Become a Sponsor
If your company would like to support Philly Tech Sistas and support the growth of Philadelphia women in tech, enter your contact information below to receive information about available sponsorship packages.
How you can help
Sponsor one of our programs
Recommend your employees to instruct workshops, become a Mentor/TA, or join our Leadership Team
Host a webinar or panel discussion
Provide technology resources
Strategic corporate partnerships
Spread the word
What’s in it for you
Associate your brand with Philadelphia’s premier organization dedicated to training women of color in tech
Publicly show how inclusive practices are important to your company’s culture and strategic goals
Ability to help more women of color gain technical web development skills
Attend events with potential employees to meet and recruit technical talent
Opportunity for employees to gain valuable leadership skills
Mentor engagement opportunities for employees of your company
Ability to send women of color employees to learn front-end development skills at Sisters Learning Code program
Transform the lives of women and the landscape of the Philadelphia tech community
Contribute to the economic empowerment of Philly’s diverse tech community
Gain brand awareness of Philly Tech Sistas’ target audiences